ZestLife Therapeutic Services.

Adolescent Psychotherapy Sector

Diploma in Therapeutically Working with Adolescents

Adolescent psychotherapy is expanding at a phenomenal rate.

Therapeutically working with Adolescents is becoming an important area of expertise and one that requires specialist
training. This course has been created to assist the participant to be fully equipped with skills, knowledge and competencies to effectively work with this sector.

The Diploma will equip the participant to work effectively with stakeholders for adolescents, such as schools, GP’s, Parents, Psychiatry and more. There is huge demand nationally for therapists to train in this sector to fulfil the exceptional demand for services.

This course does not make you a specialist in Adolescent Psychotherapy, you need a post grad Masters Level 9 for that. It does however, meet the criteria provided by IACP in accordance with the guidelines set out with a view to the introduction of Coru in 2024, allowing fully accredited therapists the skills in working with Adolescents. This a ‘heart’ based course working strongly in a radically relational manner with adolescents & stakeholders.


Diploma in therapeutically working with Adolescents

Diploma addresses and incorporates the core competencies for working therapeutically with adolescents as set out in IACP’s “Standards for Working with Under 18’s” document. Application has been made for IACP CPD approval for approx. 135 hours. The programme is taught by fully accredited psychotherapists with significant post graduate qualifications and expertise in working with adolescents and recognised in their fields.



The programme will primarily be taught via attendance in our Churchtown office. It will be offered in a HYBRID style You may attend in person in our office or online session where appropriate will be recorded too, in case you have to miss a day. There will be approx 3 days arranged face to face for experiential aspects of training that require it.

Course Dates & Content

The adolescent world – A wider view
Adolescent Contact

Adolescent Broader Stakeholders
Approaches & Techniques


Schedule 2024-2025

Weekend 10
Day 1 14th November Wider therapeutic
Day 2 15th November Developing/

Day Date Title
Weekend One
Day 1 24th January Contact Assessment
Day 2 25th January Case management
Weekend Two
Day 1 7th February Creative Adjustments
Day 2 8th February Reflective review of self
Weekend Three
Day 1 21st March Child Protection
Day 2 22nd March Legal & Ethical Issues
Weekend Four
Day 1 4th April Managing Stakeholders
Day 2 5th April Parenting Approaches
Weekend Five
Day 1 23rd May Suicide and Self Harm
Day 2 24th May Clinical Practice
Weekend Six
Day 1 20th June Psychopathology / Neuro Diversity
Day 2 21st June ADD/ADHD/ASD
Weekend Seven
Day 1 18th July Anxiety
Day 2 19h July School Refusal
Weekend Eight
Day 1 12th September Family Dynamics
Day 2 13th September Therapeutically Supporting
Weekend Nine
Day 1 10tth October Sand Stories
Day 2 11th October Play & Art Therapy
Weekend Ten
Day 1 14th November Wider therapeutic
Day 2 15th November Developing/

Learning Outcomes of Programme:

1. To develop a clear and concise understanding of the legal and ethical issues therapists face working therapeutically with adolescents and their parents

2. To examine and evaluate theories and competencies of adolescent development across all modalities.

3. To fully understand the complex contact required to delve into content of case management for adolescents and stakeholders.

4. Understand and develop complex psychopathology presenting issues and how to work with adolescents with these presenting issues.

5. Embrace the ability to make complex judgments and interventions to fully support the lifespace of adolescents with complex presenting issues.

Programme Structure & Fees

Entry Requirement

This programme is open to practitioners who have successfully completed an undergraduate Degree or Diploma in counselling or Psychotherapy.

This programme may also be of interest to Play Therapists, Art Therapists, Guidance Counsellors, Chaplains, Drama and Music Therapists who have appropriate experience and accreditation and are seeking to expand their skill set to work therapeutically with Adolescents.

Clinical Practice

Participants must complete 35 hours of one to one client work with adolescents. (Hours may be available through ZLTS) Participants must also complete 7 hours of one to one clinical supervision with an accredited supervisor who has expertise in working therapeutically with adolescent clients.

Teaching of Programme

This programme will be offered via hybrid model in office and zoom, however there will be some days of face to face required toward the end of the programme in our Churchtown
Office. These days will include sand, play and art therapy as well as family dynamics.

Programme Assessment

Participants are required to produce reflective learning journals after each module. This is short exercise to show learners are engaging with the material.
A 3000 word reflective essay
A book review of 1000 words
A supervisors Report
Personal Therapy 12 hours


Full Fee €1995. 00 (Last time we will run this course at this price. Fee will be €2495 )
• €500 due on receipt of acceptance
• Installments can be discussed


Diplomas will be presented two months after completion of programme and on full receipt of completion requirements. Hours may be completed 18 months after course completion.

Lead Tutor

Stuart Wilson MSc Adols Psych, will lead this programme and will have tutors who specialise in key areas. All tutors work in this specialist field.

ZLC reserves the right to make date or content change

Let's talk.

Please get in touch if you have any questions and we’ll be delighted to help.

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