Welcome parents to our support section


Parenting Support Evenings

This course is designed to give parents insights, understanding and guidance on parenting pre -teens and adolescents (11-24 years). Parents will find the space very safe, comfortable, humorous, supportive and helpful to be able to parent without feeling isolated and alone.

Stuart Wilson is a parenting expert and adolescent psychotherapist with a varied and vast experience. You will be supported by the ZestLife team www.zestlife.ie on the night. Stuart will present with his wife Magi also a therapist and mother to 5 kids.

You'll discover how to..

Understand behaviours and communications

Find your joy in parenting

Support anxious or depressed adolescents

Become aware of how to react to get better outcomes

Establish healthy boundaries around food, cyber, chores, bedtime, school, peers.

Support the parental unity relationship 

Help you make sense of your adolescents’ moods, behaviours and communication. 

Develop strategies for a more peaceful and calmer home 

In person or via Zoom or watch now!

ZestLife Churchtown Office , Earlscourt Industrial Estate, 1a Beaumont Ave, Churchtown Upper, Dublin 14




Map: ZestLife Shankill Office , Google Map



4 sessions (6 hours in total)

Dates (Mondays)






Arrival Coffee/ Tea at 6:45pm
Session Starts: 7pm
Session Finishes: 8:30pm

Fee: €100 in total – both parents can attend for this.

Parenting The Green Way (Watch online now)

Buy it now and watch online immediately


Parenting The Green Way – 4 sessions (Zoom)

Buy now and watch the live event from the comfort of your own home from 6.45pm to 8.30pm on these dates:

  • 11/11
  • 18/11
  • 25/11
  • 2/12


Parenting The Green Way- 4 sessions (Churchtown)

Buy now and join us in Churchtown from 6.45pm to 8.30pm on these dates:

  • 11/11
  • 18/11
  • 25/11
  • 2/12


Let's talk.

Please get in touch if you have any questions and we’ll be delighted to help.

10 + 15 =